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ChenMed Blog

We're transforming healthcare and addressing some of the most challenging issues.

Delivering Quality Care to Underserved Communities: 4 Ways to Widen Your Reach


Tens of millions of people do not have access to primary care in America.

Patient-Centered Care

Value-Based Care Can Improve Outcomes for Patients with Dementia


Dementia cases are slated to double by 2060.

Patient-Centered Care

How PCPs Can Increase Health Literacy Amongst Older Adults


As primary care physicians, we aim to make important health care decisions in partnership with ou

Thought Leadership

3 Ways to Improve Emergency Care for the Geriatric Population


Whether you’re the patient or the team caring for the patient, emergency room admission can be st

Patient-Centered Care

Meet the Doctor: Dr. Susan Schayes


Susan Schayes, M.D., MPH, FAAFP, has known she wanted to be a doctor since she was five, but it t

Physician Culture

4 Alarming Contributors to Crash Dialysis in Renal Disease Management


A growing number of kidney-failure patients are “crashing” into dialysis – or unexpectedly beginn

Patient-Centered Care